Annual Report 2023 UPM Forestal Oriental




Achieving and maintaining long term certification involves applying policies, standards and working procedures that enable the protection, monitoring and maintenance of all company resources and operations. Forestal Oriental makes public its commitment to long term adherence to the FSC ® Principles and Criteria for the Management Unit and related FSC ® Policies and Standards.

Fourth PEFC recertification (PEFC UY System) for the next three years and integrated recertification of all processes: Quality ISO 9,001, Environmental ISO 14,001 and Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45,001

UPM Forestal Oriental manages a group certification scheme (UPM Forestal Oriental Certification Group, SGSCH-FM / COC – 002240) that includes small and medium-sized producers from Cerro Largo, Colonia, Durazno, Lavalleja, Maldonado, Paysandú, Río Negro, Rocha and Treinta y Tres.


Fourth 5-year FSC ® recertification, affirming the responsible management of natural environmental, social, and productive resources

The Forest Stewardship Council ® is an international organisation whose aim is to promote responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable environmental management of the world’s forests. It does so by establishing a global set of recognised and respected principles and criteria. Through its approach to work in accordance with FSC ® , UPM Forestal Oriental favours the maintenance of ecosystem and biodiversity functions, contributes to the country’s scientific expertise and provides education on environmental conservation.


The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international non-governmental organisation dedicated to the promotion of sustainable forest management through an independent certification of the implementation of stringent environmental, social and ethical standards. The PEFC is a certification scheme that, rather than having a single standard for sustainable forest management applicable to all countries or regions, recognises and validates the standards developed by each country. To do this, it has a series of requirements regarding how the standard should be developed, the central aspects that must be considered and the environmental, social and legal compliance parameters that must be considered.

Forest Management Certification, UNIT 1152 standard, recognised by PEFC


Integrated certification of all processes: Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental (ISO 14001), and Occupational Health and Safety (ISO 45,000)


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