Annual Report 2023 UPM Forestal Oriental


Geoclimatic Data

RAINFALL Annual average: 1,200 to 1,500 mm depending on the area

TEMPERATURE Daily average: 12C to 25C

Geology Plantations on the West Coast are primarily located on the following geological formations: Guichón, Mercedes, Asencio, Salto and Fray Bentos. In turn, those located on central and northern areas of the country are in Tacuarembó, Cuchilla del Ombú, San Gregorio, Melo, Yaguarí, and Tres Islas.

Soil The plantations fall mainly into the following groups and soil classes

Hydrology According to the current predominant classification (Decree 253/79) the company’s forest management unit watercourses are Class 3: “water intended for the preservation of fish in general and other water flora and fauna, or the irrigation of crops whose product is not consumed in natural form or, in cases where it is consumed in natural form, the irrigation system does not water the product.”

according to the classification by the National Commission for the Agronomic Study of the Earth (CONEAT in Spanish): • 9.1 (Argisols and Brunosols) • 9.3 (Argisols, Planosoles and Brunosols) • 09.3 (Argisols and Planosoles)

• 7.32 (Luvisols and Acrisols) • 7.2 (Luvisols and Acrisols) • 2.12 (Brunosols and Litosols) • 8.8 (Luvisols and Acrisols)

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