Annual Report 2023 UPM Forestal Oriental
may be potentially affected by forestry operations. These assessments are prevalent and frequent to identify potential current and future impacts, both positive and negative, of vehicular activities on society
Prior to the start of activities, we complete an environmental and social assessment of the area, evaluating the environmental and social values identified within the different areas with heavy vehicular activity, as well as the values outside of these areas that
and the environment, from roads to landscape, through culturally appropriate engagement with communities that are affected or interested. We plan and execute effective actions to prevent the negative impact of our
vehicular activities on environmental and social values and to mitigate their negative proportional to their scale, intensity and risk of occurrence, as well as possible natural disasters.
The main significant environmental aspects of operations include:
Particulate matter emissions during operations
Soil tillage activities
Management of chemicals
Creation of solid waste
Plantations present
Based on previously mentioned evaluations, we develop work programmes and procedures that describe the best operating practices, including prevention, mitigation and compensation measures in case of potential negative impacts. These documents consider the legal and corporate
requirements and the main standards and certification codes. For those activities with the biggest impact, we micro-plan on site.
carry out follow-up activities to assess compliance with the agreed planning regarding processes, work methodology, available resources and the detection of deviations and corrective actions. In this way, we assess the level of compliance within our operations in accordance with standards.
Environmental rounds specifically, are an important internal management tool. We perform them to verify compliance with standards during operations. During the process we proactively record any possible deviation from standards or opportunities for improvement.
To ensure compliance with environmental standards in
operations, we continuously and proactively monitor operations and
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