Annual Report 2023 UPM Forestal Oriental



The use of agrochemicals for pest, disease and weed control in UPM Forestal Oriental’s forestry operations is part of our approach to integrated pest management (IPM).

In nurseries, the IPM includes, first and foremost, managing temperature and humidity in greenhouses through proper ventilation to minimize the development of pests and diseases. At the same time light and adhesive traps are used to reduce insect populations. The use of agrochemicals is a last resort and is used only when pest and disease monitoring confirm it is needed.

In plantations the IPM strategy aims to promote the rapid growth of seedlings to minimize the periods in which weed and ant control are needed. This rapid initial growth is achieved by planting at the appropriate time, with optimal soil preparation and using good quality genetic materials and seedlings. In 2023 we waited until 6 months after planting for the last application (considering the forestry cycle is 10 to 11 years, the percentage of time in which applications are made is ~5%).

To access a list of the products mentioned below scan here

General guidelines for the use of agrochemicals: Identifying minimal doses for effective control through trials examined with statistical precision Applying agrochemicals only when they are really required, avoiding calendar applications Rotating between active ingredients to minimize the risk of weeds, pests or diseases growing resistant Using authorized products in the country and products registered for forestry use by the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP in Spanish)

In 2023 one insecticide (anticide) and 10 herbicides were used in our plantations to keep weeds and cutter ants in check. In UPM’s three nurseries five fungicides were used to control diseases and five insecticides to control pests.

Not using products included in the list of agrochemicals banned by the FSC ® and PEFC Carrying out an Environmental and Social Risk Assessment (ESRA) prior to the use of agrochemicals in accordance with FSC ® guidelines and national regulations, outlining measures to minimize the risks associated with their use for both people and the environment

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