Biofore Magazine 2020
A company is only as great as its employees. UPMers from around the world share their stories. Today, I...
Szymon Wnuk Pay to Support Manager, UPM Business Services Hub, Wroclaw, Poland Today, I made a difference by taking part in a project that will help our customers mod- ernise and streamline their operations. My biggest concern is the future of our planet and how we are not moving quickly enough to change our behaviour. I am grateful to be able tomake a difference inmy job at UPM. Meeting new people is a huge perk of the job for me and I like to think I’m a patient person, which helps a lot inmy work when it comes to supporting the team. Outside work, I love being active. My dad got me into skiing and these days I cannot wait until the winter so we can get out on the slopes together. I also enjoy cycling and badminton, as well as spending time with good friends. I also have to admit that I nev- er grew out of video gaming and it remains a real passion.
“Meeting new people is a huge perk of the job for me.”
Lysia Liu Development and Quality Manager, UPM Changshu Paper Mill, China
Today, I workedwithmy team to develop safe, clean and sustainable products for our customers. I feel proud that I can do my bit for the environment while also helping UPM’s clients make a difference. My biggest concern is that we need to prepare for the future before it is too late. Changes have to be made to ensure we leave a clean future for the next generation. I feel very fortunate that inmy rolewith UPM, I can help to facilitate that change. I’ve been with UPM my entire career, joining the UPM Asia Research Centre when I finished my master’s degree in 2008. Inmy free time, I love to read and travel, aswell as spend time withmy family and friends. ”My biggest concern is that we need to prepare for the future before it is too late.”
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