UPM Annual Report 2020
Salaries and benefits paid to the President and CEO and the Group Executive Team President and CEO Jussi Pesonen
PERFORMANCE SHARE PLANS No. of participants at 31 December 2020
PSP 2017–2019 PSP 2018–2020 PSP 2019–2021 PSP 2020–2022
Other members of Group Executive Team 1)
100 %
Actual achievement
71.45 %
EUR 1,000
2020 1,093
2019 1,096 1,426 3,025
2020 4,132 1,530 8,231
2019 4,242 1,779 9,421
Max no. of shares to be delivered 1) to the President and CEO
92,500 275,500 169,000 537,000
60,089 188,914 112,892 361,895
94,072 313,600 211,350 619,022
85,589 291,500 203,700 580,789
Short-term incentives
to other members of GET
Share rewards
to other selected members of management Total max no. of shares to be delivered
Share delivery (year)
1) 11 members in 2020 and 2019.
Total shareholder return (100%)
Total shareholder return (100%)
Total shareholder return (100%)
Total shareholder return (100%)
Earning criteria (weighting)
1) For PSP 2017–2019 and PSP 2018–2020, the gross number of shares actually earned.
In 2020, costs under the Finnish statutory pension scheme for the President and CEO amounted to EUR 349,000 (465,000) and payments under the voluntary pension plan amounted to EUR 1,421,000 (1,459,000). In 2020, costs under the Finnish and German statutory pension schemes for Group Executive Team (GET) members (excluding the President and CEO) amounted to EUR 785,000 (924,000) and payments under the voluntary pension plan amounted to EUR 964,000 (947,000). The remuneration of the President and CEO and other members of the Group Executive Team consists of the base salary and benefits, short-term incentives and long-term share-based incentives. In 2020 and 2019, the short-term incentives are based on the company's Short-Term Incentive Plan and they are paid annually in cash. The amount of the incentive is linked to the executive's position and achievement of annually set targets. The maximum incentives amount to a total of 100% of the annual base salary to the Business Area Executives and to a total of 70% of annual base salary to the other members of the Group Executive Team. For the President and CEO, the maximum annual incentive amounts to 150% of the annual base salary. The expenses recognised in income statement in respect of share based payments for the Group Executive Team were EUR 3.4 million (3.4 million). According to the service agreement, the President and CEO would have been entitled to retire in November 2020 at the age of 60 but at the request of the company's Board of Directors, the President and CEO has decided to continue in his position. The President and CEO has a voluntary pension benefit in addition to the Finnish statutory pension scheme. The President and CEO's
voluntary pension benefit was arranged through a defined benefit plan until the end of November 2020. The last contribution to the defined benefit plan was made in 2020. Under the defined benefit plan, the target pension was 60% of the average indexed earnings from the last ten full calendar years of employment calculated according to the Finnish statutory pension scheme. The income of the President and CEO’s defined benefit pension plan in 2020 was EUR 1.6 million (1.0 million expense in 2019). The plan assets amounted to EUR 17.3 million (14.9 million) and the obligation amounted to EUR 14.9 million (15.0 million). As of December 2020 the voluntary pension benefit is arranged through a defined contribution plan. First contribution to the defined contribution plan will take place in 2021. The retirement age of other members of the Group Executive Team is 63. Other Group Executive Team members are under defined contribution plans. Should the company or the President and CEO give notice of termination of the service agreement, no severance pay will be paid in addition to the salary for the 12-month notice period. For GET members, the period for severance pay is 12 months, in addition to the six months’ salary for the notice period, unless notice is given for reasons that are solely attributable to the executive. Should a GET member give notice of termination to the company, no severance pay will be paid in addition to the salary for the notice period. If there is a change of control in the company, the President and CEO may terminate his service agreement within three months and each GET member within one month from closing the takeover and shall receive compensation equivalent to 24 months' base salary. Performance Share Plan The Performance Share Plan (PSP) is targeted at the President and CEO and other Group Executive Team (GET) members as well as other selected members of the management. Under the ongoing plans UPM shares are awarded based on total shareholder return during a three year earning period. The earned shares are delivered after the earning period has ended. Total shareholder return takes into account share price appreciation and paid dividends.
Deferred Bonus Plan The Deferred Bonus Plan (DBP) is targeted at other selected key employees and it consists of annually commencing plans. Each plan consists of a one-year earning period and a two-year restriction period. UPM shares are awarded based on achievement of group or group and
business area EBITDA targets. Prior to share delivery, the share rewards earned are adjusted with dividends and other capital distributions, if any, paid to all shareholders during the restriction period.
DEFERRED BONUS PLANS No. of participants (at grant)
DBP 2017
DBP 2018
DBP 2019
DBP 2020
360 304
370 316
390 355
393 384
No. of participants (at 31 December 2020) Max no. of shares to be delivered (at grant)
525,000 291,340
450,000 300,478
460,000 183,315
429,558 139,600
Estimated no. of shares to be delivered at 31 December 2020 1)
Share delivery (year)
Group/Business Area EBITDA
Group/Business Area EBITDA
Group/Business Area EBITDA
Group/Business Area EBITDA
Earning criteria
1) For DBP 2017 and DBP 2018, the gross number of shares actually earned
The indicated actuals and estimates of the share rewards under the Performance Share Plan and the Deferred Bonus Plan represent the gross amount of the rewards of which the applicable taxes will be deducted before the shares are delivered to the participants.
Accounting policies
The group’s long-term share incentive plans are recognised as equity settled or cash-settled share-based payment transactions depending on the settlement. The group classifies the transactions with net settlement features for tax obligations as equity-settled in its entirety. Shares are valued using the market rate on the grant date. The settlement is a combination of shares and cash. The group may obtain the necessary shares by using its treasury shares or may purchase shares from the market. PSP and DBP share deliveries are executed by using already existing shares and the plans, therefore, have no dilutive effect.
3.3 Share-based payments UPM offers rewards and recognition with an emphasis on high performance. All UPM’s employees belong to a unified annual Short Term Incentive (STI) scheme. In addition, UPM has two long-term incentive schemes: the Performance Share Plan (PSP) for senior executives and the Deferred Bonus Plan (DBP) for other key employees.
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