GREEN STAR OF THE SHOW The Biofore Concept Car presented at the Geneva Motor Show has a green heart.
The majority of components in the Biofore Concept Car that are traditionally made of plastic are replaced by renewable UPMFormi biocomposite and thermoformable UPMGrada woodmate- rial. The car is fuelled by wood-based renewable UPMBioVerno diesel. The car is a joint production between UPMand Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. While visiting the Geneva International Motor Show Jussi Pesonen , UPM's President and CEO, described the car as an excellent opportunity to showcase the company's Biofore strategy and the uses of the newmaterials. "The Biofore Concept Car combines the devel- opment paths of our new products, like biocompos- ites and biofuels, which linked us to the automotive industry in the first place. This car is an interesting example of how different areas can be combined into one product," says Pesonen.
1/2014 | 27
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