See the forest for the trees – and you will be able to see far! Some five years ago we came up with the termBiofore, which aptly crystallises UPM's role in combining the bio and forest industries. The potential of an innovation-driven bio and forest industry is more relevant today than ever before, as the world needs new, renewable energy- and resource-efficient materials and solutions. The need for natural beauty and aesthetics is just as important, and in the forests that's all we can see. We can see far into the future! One of UPM's three core values is "renewwith courage". It presents a positive challenge, both at the level of the entire company and to each of us personally. Renewal refers to re-evaluating routine operating models, practices and views; it is open-mindedness and willingness to look for new opportunities through open interaction with others. And through listening to others. Here at UPM this principle is applied inmany ways. For example, in how the experts in our various business areas create innovations together: they combine different skills, expertise and technologies in an encouraging environment. The same method can work just as well in the interaction between companies and educational institutions, and why not also between countries and entire nations? Real development and learning never occurs on its own or in isolation – it's not a coincidence that another one of our core values is "achieve together". In fact, none of the achievements showcased in this magazine could have taken place without those two prerequisites: productive cooperation and bold renewal.
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UPM – The Biofore Company
YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/ upmdotcom
UPM combines bio and forest industries. We are building a sustainable future in six business areas. In 2013, UPM's sales amounted to EUR 10.1 billion. UPM has production plants in 14 countries and a worldwide sales network. UPM employs around 21,000 people. UPM's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ UPMGlobal
Elisa Nilsson Vice President, Brand and Communications, UPM
By the end of 2013, the company had 94,568 shareholders.
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