Nils-Olof Nylund
compatible with all fuel distribution systems and cars but also with vehicles manufactured in the future. Nylund says that advanced and sustainable biofuels could be a fast track to low-emission traffic for Finland. Investing in domestic biofuel production is cost-effective from a technological and economic point of view as well. “Finland’s total traffic fuel consumption is around four million tonnes a year. Renewable biofuel production capacity is around 500,000 tonnes a year, which represents around 10% of total fuel consumption. In this respect Finland is in a very good position compared to any other country,” he says. “Renewable biofuels can replace conventional fossil fuels not only on the road but inmaritime and aviation as well,” he says. VTT has previously tested UPM BioVerno diesel both in passenger cars and bus engines with great results. The new bus field tests mark a continuation of VTT’s long-term collaboration in testing with UPM. Towards emission-free traffic The Helsinki Regional Transport (HSL) aims to decrease CO ² and other hazardous emissions by over 90% in public transportation by 2025. “Increasing use of public transportation is important for sustainable development in general. Our strategy sees advanced biofuels as a perfect match for us because they can
“We are delighted to participate in the Helsinki Regional Transport initiative for emission-free public transport with our bus fleet tests. One of the main targets of the initiative is to replace fossil
prove that UPMBioVerno diesel also reduces harmful tailpipe emissions significantly – and that in practice means better air quality,” emphasises Mannonen. “In the first phase we will use a diesel blend
fuels with renewable biofuels in the coming years,” says Sari Mannonen , Sales and Marketing Director at UPMBiofuels. Reducing tailpipe emissions Various research centres have produced excellent results with UPM BioVerno diesel in numerous engine,
that contains 20%UPM BioVerno. Later we will run a 50% blend in the test vehicles. The target is to conduct test drives with pure renewable wood-based diesel as well,” she adds. Road transport, maritime and aviation The bus field tests also formpart of the larger ‘BioPilot’ project
Sari Mannonen
vehicle and fleet tests. The studies have confirmed that UPMBioVerno matches the performance of the best quality diesel fuels, yet reduces tailpipe emissions significantly. “UPMBioVerno generates up to 80% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than conventional fossil diesel fuels during its lifecycle. The latest studies
that is being coordinated by the VTT Technical Research Centre. The project’s goal is to encourage companies to commercialise renewable energy solutions in traffic. According to Research Professor Nils-Olof Nylund from the VTT, the biggest benefit of ‘drop-in’ fuels like UPMBioVerno is that they are fully
1/2016 | 19
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