A front-runner in sustainability
Environmental issues are key for UPM China, which participates in a wide range of initiatives to promote sustainability.
I n February 2014, when UPMdecided to go ahead with the PM3 project, the decision was made to reduce the extent of the investment by not building a separate power plant for the new paper machine. Instead, the existing boilers would supply all three paper machines at the Changshu site. “It was an excellent decision from an energy-savings point of view,” says Mary Ma , Head of Marketing, Communications and Environmental Affairs at UPMChina in Shanghai. “It meant we could upgrade the existing boilers with state-of-the-art technology for a clean, energy-saving process.” In line with its Biofore strategy, UPMwants to lead the integration of the bio and forest industries towards a new, sustainable and innovation-driven future. Environmental issues are thus key for UPMChina, which participates in a wide range of regional and global initiatives to promote sustainability. A recent such initiative was the formation of the China Sustainable Paper Alliance (CSPA), which was launched in September 2015 by theWorldWide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Chinese Forestry Industry Association. Founding members include ten domestic and international companies covering China’s entire pulp and paper supply chain, including local and global producers such as UPM, as well as buyers such as HP, Fuji Xerox and IKEA. Members can join only by invitation. “Together with CSPA we promote sustainable paper across the entire China market chain, from forest management and production through to buying and selling paper right up to recycling,” says Ma. UPM supports two global sustainable forest management schemes: the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) – an initiative
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