F or more than 50 years, the rtv TV guide has been an extremely popular magazine supplement with more than tenmillion weekly readers. The key to its long-term success is not only its well-edited content, but also the high quality of the paper on which it is printed. The same applies to Land & Leute, a monthly supplement introduced by rtv media in 2013. Distributed in high-circulation regional papers, the supplement has quickly established itself as Germany’s biggest country lifestyle title. Offering an interesting package from exclusive lifestyle articles and useful recipes to practical tips for the house and garden, Land & Leute is exactly what audiences are searching for in print media. Readers scarcely notice that they are holding a supplement rather than an actual magazine – and this is reflected in the look, feel and quality of its paper. decades. As a leading paper expert, the Finnish company understands the varying needs of its clients and offers suitable solutions that guarantee not only premium quality but also sustainability. Caring for the environment as part of its basic philosophy, UPM truly believes that less really is more and uses resources efficiently to produce papers with added economic and ecological value. Last summer rtv media decided to switch Land & Leute’s paper to UPMSmart. The haptic experience is now better aligned with the reader’s emotional experience, as the higher-quality paper reflects the exclusive lifestyle image that the magazine seeks to convey. Emotions are key, agrees Jan Reichold from the board of rtv media group GmbH: “Reaching our audience on an emotional level is one of our most important aims when it comes to print media. The paper is not only our printing substrate, but it also conveys and creates an experience and memory that lasts.” Digitalisation hasn’t changed any of this. On the contrary, haptics and emotional perception are becoming all the more significant in the world of print. Fingertips don’t lie rtv media has relied on UPM’s quality products for
The perfect cost match With the switch to UPMSmart, Land & Leute not only wanted a high-performance printing paper with a particular feel and colour, but also a substrate that is technically reliable throughout the production process. “UPMSmart is ideal for lifestyle magazines like Land & Leute as it offers the perfect combination of brightness, opacity and affordability,” says Atte Lindström , Director of Technical Sales Magazine Publishing & Advertising at UPM. The paper stands out in being exceptionally efficient and environmentally friendly, as it is produced from renewable rawmaterials. “Amass media publication like the rtv TV guide needs to be printed in an economically efficient way. That’s why clients trust UPMEco paper. Its lower surface weight leads to significant cost savings – an ideal solution for clients in this segment,” Lindström explains. Both the TV guide and Land & Leute are printed in Nuremberg by Prinovis, a close partner of rtv media for many years. “Bothmagazines are printed in rotogravure. This method is popular for mass media products since it is stable and precise while being cost-efficient due to the large width of the paper web, which leads to a considerable productivity increase,” explains Lars Meusburger, DivisionManager Purchasing Department at Prinovis. With its broad product portfolio, UPMoffers the best papers for every need, whether intelligent alternatives for demanding print jobs or cost-efficient solutions for mass media products. Whatever the image they seek to convey with the paper they choose, UPMhelps clients like rtv media turn consumers into loyal readers.
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