


Bioeconomy mitigating climate change

T he key principle of sustainable forest biomass. “The sustainable forest industry is regarded as a carbon- neutral industrial sector because it fabricates forest biomass-based renewable products without presenting a risk of increasing CO ² emissions,” says Päivi Salpakivi- Salomaa, Vice President, Environment and Responsibility at UPM. Sustainable forestry has three cornerstones: helping forests to regenerate, maintaining carbon-neutral production, and safeguarding biodiversity. The more diverse a forest’s ecosystems, the less vulnerable it is to the The Forest Solutions Group (FSG) sent a firm message to the UN’s Climate Change Conference: Sustainable forestry and bioeconomic innovation are the best ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. management is that forests should be allowed to grow at a rate that increases or at least maintains the current area of carbon-binding forest physical changes brought by climate change. Salpakivi emphasises that sustainable forest management is a business fundamental for UPMand also for all other forest companies that operate responsibly. “The forests owned by UPM grow faster than they are harvested. Their annual growth rate suffices to neutralise


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