UPM Biofore Magazine 1-2018
In 2017, LNG was transported by LNG TANKERS WORLDWIDE 439 This is equal to one tenth of Finland’s annual volume of energy consumption. 258 In 2017, the total volume of LNG shipments was MILLION TONNES = 3,525 TWh
Gas sails safely in birch plywood Strong, durable birch plywood used in insulation components protects the growing volume of liquefied natural gas sailing the seven seas.
mid growing global demand for low-emission energy, the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is increasing rapidly. LNG usage is predicted to catch up with pipeline gas within the next few years. Already today, there are nearly 450 tankers sailing the world’s seas to deliver LNG to remote places beyond the reach of the pipeline network. Yet gas shipments involve certain challenges. Natural gas is first liquefied by cooling it to a temperature of -163ºC, which condenses it to 1/600th of its original volume. Throughout transport, the LNGmust be kept at the same steady
temperature, no matter howwildly external weather conditions might vary. To pull off this feat, the tank trunks must be well insulated, usually with components made from birch plywood or steel. UPM is currently the leading supplier of birch plywood for large tankers. 2,500 cubic metres per tanker LNG plywood is manufactured by only a few suppliers in the world, and the process is strictly certified. “The requirements are strict, because the end-use conditions for the plywood insulation are very demanding. Birch is ideal not only because it’s tough, but also because it’s able to maintain its original dimensions even when the surrounding temperature conditions vary widely,” explains UPMPlywood Area Sales Director Mikko Iso-Kuusela .
MORE THAN 180 LNG TANKERS with WISA birch plywood are sailing on seven seas. To be the leading supplier requires knowledge and expertise, but also commitment to this niche sector.
1/2018 | 21
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