UPM Biofore Magazine 1-2018
In t ime
Sharing data for sustainable supply chains
NOWFOR THE sixth time, UPM has been listed as the industry’s most responsible company in the Dow Jones European andWorld Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for 2018–2019. The Index assesses performance in areas such as climate change strategy, supply chain standards, labour practices, corporate governance and risk management. In addition, UPM is one of only 34 global companies recognised by the UN as a Global Compact LEAD company. This title comes in recognition of committed engagement to the United Nations Global Compact, in which UPMhas been a signatory since 2003. UPM is the only forest industry company and the first Finnish company ever to hold LEAD status, a title it has enjoyed since 2016. Global Compact LEAD RECOGNISED FOR RESPON SIBILITY
Environmental impacts for UPM’s possible Kotka Biorefinery assessed
UPMHAS JOINED Together for Sustainability (TfS), a chemical industry initiative that promotes and improves sustainability practices within its supply chains. By joining the initiative, the member companies share supplier data. As global supply networks are complex, pooling of resources gives everyone better access to a wider range of supplier information, thus helping to promote and improve sustainability practices within supply chains.
A NEWLY COMPLETED Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for UPM’s possible Kotka biorefinery in south-eastern Finland shows that the biorefinery would increase the utilisation of wastes and residues and concurrently reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an amount equivalent to 16% of the greenhouse gas currently generated by Finnish road traffic. This is equal to three times the greenhouse gas emissions of a city the size of Helsinki. The biorefinery would also have a very positive effect on the regional economy. The main environmental impacts would stem from increased traffic and changes in the landscape. The UPMKotka biorefinery would produce approximately 500,000 tonnes of advanced biofuels made from sustainable rawmaterials for use in the road transport, marine and aviation sectors. The biorefinery’s products could also be used for replacing fossil rawmaterials in the chemical industry.
New biocomposite for 3D printing
WOULDN’T IT BE convenient if architects could print out a 3Dmodel to show the customer how a finished building would look? Or for interior designers to print a 3Dmodel of a home décor design? UPM’s new bio- composite material developed especially for 3D printing allows you to do just that. Cellulose fibres give the material a matte surface that feels natural to the touch. It can also be processed by grinding and gluing just like wood can. The good print quality of UPMFormi 3Dmakes it ideal for large-scale printing, as evidenced by a two-metre bridge that was printed last summer for the Pori Housing Fair in Finland.
SHARING AND CARING LOCALLY UPMEMPLOYEES CAN now reserve a certain percentage of their annual working time for volunteer work or fundraising as part of the company’s expanded Biofore Share and Care programme. The activities are decided locally, yet all are clearly connected to UPM’s responsibility targets and aligned with the four focus areas: Reading and learning, Engaging with communities, Responsible water use and Boosting bioinnovations.
Three new terminals for UPM Raflatac
Landslide growth in labels
RISING DEMAND FOR labels, packaging and e-commerce is fuelling healthy growth in speciality papers. The expanding market for medical and hygiene products is pushing the same trend. As the world leader in label papers, UPMwill increase its production capacity at three mills. Paper machine 2 in Nordland, Germany will be converted for release liner production. Production capacity will also be increased at the Jämsänkoski mill in Finland and the Changshumill in China. Production capacity will increase by nearly 200,000 tonnes during 2018–2020.
UPMRAFLATAC HAS opened three new slitting and distribution terminals this year. The new terminals in Santiago, Seoul and Seattle improve customer reach and expand the portfolio of high-quality label materials. The terminals in Chile and Seattle will directly serve the wine and craft beverage segments. UPMRaflatac’s terminal network currently covers 30 facilities on six continents.
1/2018 | 49
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