
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit





Indonesia Thailand South Korea

to better allocation of resources and the modifying of economic structures in the medium term.” Malassu says that economic growth, the increased purchasing power of consumers and urbanisation are also significant to the development of the paper product market. “The demand for paper products will continue to grow, although the growth rate has slowed down. There are major differences in demand depending on the paper product, customer segment and region in China. The digitalisation of the media industry will also have its own impacts on the market for graphic papers.” Fragmented paper market? The Chinese paper market is highly fragmented. According to estimates, there are 3000 companies producing paper products in China. The 10 largest companies account for approximately one third of the production capacity of paper and cardboard.

economy. A violent drop in prices would shake the economy since a significant proportion of consumer funds is tied up in property. However, Ali Malassu doesn’t believe that the real estate bubble will burst. “The situation has remained under control. The govern- ment has taken various measures to limit increases in prices. It has also supported the sector when necessary.” Good prospects As a whole, Ali Malassu believes that the situation for the Chinese economy is rather good – as are its future pros- pects. Urbanisation, the growth of domestic consumption, the gradual rebound of the world economy and the continued Asian economic integration create a strong foundation for continued economic growth. “A slightly slower growth rate will probably contribute


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