

The Biofore Concept Car challenges conventions in car manufacturing. The majority of the parts traditionally made from plastic are replaced with advanced biomaterials without compromising quality and safety. Created by a new generation of talent from Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences with next generation biomaterials by UPM – The Biofore Company. This is a car that drives real sustainable change. www.bioforeconceptcar.upm.com

UPM BioVerno is a wood-based renewable diesel which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% compared to fossil fuels. upmbiofuels.com

UPM Grada is a thermoformable wood material with unique forming properties. upmgrada.com

UPM Raflatac’s labels have been manufactured using the latest adhesive technology and solvent free production processes. upmraflatac.com

UPM Formi is a recyclable biocomposite manufactured from cellulose fibre and plastics. upmformi.com

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