In t ime
Recognition for responsibility THE UN AGAIN IDENTIFIED UPM as a Global Compact LEAD company in recognition of its strong commitment to the UN Global Compact and its ten principles for responsible business. Only 36 global companies received this recognition. A LEAD participant since 2016, UPM is the only LEAD company active in the forest industry. UPM also maintains its industry leader position in the Dow Jones European and World Sustainability Indices (DJSI), being again listed as the forest and paper industry leader for 2019-2020. This year, UPMhas taken a deep look into the strategic connections between its operations and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. The focus of UPM’s Beyond Fossils thinking is to step up actions to minimise negative impacts and increase positive impacts.
Investing in energy
UPM IS SET to build a combined heat and power (CHP) plant at its Nordland paper mill in Germany. The EUR 95 million investment in renewable power will improve UPM’s cost competitiveness and reduce its CO 2 emissions by 5%, while also supporting more flexibility use of electricity and the phase-out of coal in Germany. The highly efficient 80MW gas-fired power plant will go on grid in 2022.
BORE LTD AND Wijnne Barends, affiliates of the Dutch Spliethoff Group, will design and build seven state-of-the-art vessels for transporting pulp, paper and other UPMproducts in Europe. The ice- strengthened vessels will be fuelled with liquid natural gas (LNG), reducing CO 2 emissions by approximately 25% compared with commonly used marine gas oil. Both sulphur oxide (SO x ) emissions and emissions of soot particles will decrease by 99%. The vessels will be built in China and they are scheduled for delivery in 2021 and 2022.
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