UPM Forestal Oriental Annual Report 2021








Within the framework of UPM Forestal Oriental’s strategy for Biodiversity Management, we establish strategic objectives and specific actions to achieve them: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS

1 All goals have specific metrics associated with them and results are regularly monitored, and are part of the decision-making process across all levels 2 On a landscape basis 3 On an environmental basis




Create and manage a Network of Natural Preserved Areas (NNPA) made up by areas from our four previously defined categories

Incorporate new areas annually

Increase the percentage of natural preserved areas in company assets and third-party assets

Develop management indicators to monitor the degree in which behaviours and goals are met

Fulfil long-term objectives

Meet the objectives set by the different indicators

Incorporate at least one area from each landscape unit within UPM Oriental assets to the NNPA. NNPA elements must be representative of the kinds of vegetation on the company’s premises.

Preserve a representative sample of all environments considered threatened or endangered within managed areas

All landscape units and kinds of vegetation present on company property are represented in the NNPA

Protect a sample of Critically Endangered (CR) or Endangered ecosystems on the company’s premises.

Periodic monitoring of HVCAs and CA areas within the NNPA

Maximise the number of native species in non-planted areas, particularly in the NNPA

Preserve as many species as possible, particularly those considered priority for conservation (by MA/SNAP, IUCN, CITES) in non-planted areas, and especially in the NNPA

Maintain or increase: •the number of native species in the NNPA •the number of priority species identified in the NNPA •the number of SNAP species in the HVCAs of the NNPA

Promote the listing of species through the development of apps

Identify animal and plant species for priority conservation by MA/SNAP in NNPA and company assets

Establish a monitoring plan and necessary conservation measures for priority species in the NNPA

Establish IAWS monitoring and control plans annually, with emphasis on NNPA. All HVCAs and CAs must have an IAWS control plan

Keep conservation areas with the least amount of strain from IAWS

IAWS monitoring and control.

Increased effectiveness of IAWS control measures

Evaluate the effectiveness of the control measures established

Complete training activities for company personnel and contractors

Advertise the conservation efforts made by the company to as many interested parties as possible

Compliance with communication plans prepared together with other areas and processes within the company

Advertise contributions to conservation through institutional channels

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