UPM Forestal Oriental Annual Report 2022
The expansion of our harvesting ability will continue until mid 2023 when the operation will reach 100% of its levels of production. This plan is in line with the increase in demand for timber expected by the new plant in Paso de los Toros.
During 2022, the harvesting process continued in line with our growth plan to be able to meet the expected demand for the supply of our two UPM pulp mills. In this sense, new companies began to provide services, joining the existing ones to make up 12 new harvest fronts located in different areas of the country. These created up to 400 new jobs and operate close to communities in: Quebracho, Chapicuy, Gallinal (Paysandú), Cerro Chato (Paysandú); Bonilla, Los Cuadrados, Clara, Arbolito, Curtina, Montevideo Chico (Tacuarembó), El Carmen,
Sarandí del Yi, Blanquillo, San Jorge, La Paloma (Durazno), Arévalo, Tupambaé (Cerro Largo) Santa Clara, Cerro Chato (Treinta y Tres) and Cerro Colorado (Florida). These new fronts began operating satisfactorily, meeting the quality and safety standards required by UPM Forestal Oriental. Training also started according to the established plan with detailed monitoring of the performance of each front. To this end, we had the support of trainers and the “know how” of machinery and service providers.
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