UPM Forestal Oriental - Social and Enviromental Report 2014

In 2014, as in 2013, within the framework of the Silvoapicola Project (forestry beekeeping) we ran work- shops with the participation of the 11 institutions. At one of these workshops we drafted the “Integrated Manage- ment Guide for Forestry Beekeeping in UPM Forestal Oriental fields”, which will be mandatory from the 2015 har- vest. The guide was the result of the work carried out mainly by the repre- sentatives of the 11 regional institu- tions with the support of Agricultural Engineer Rosana Díaz, a DIGEGRA [Farming Directorate General] techni- cian who is also an active member of the Regional Advisory Council (CAR). Another notable activity was the three-day workshop on Nosema Apis under the supervision of Dr Gabriel Sarlo, an Argentine technician, recog- nised within the industry as an expert

on this subject. The workshop was held in Tacuarembó for 152 producers with hives in UPM Forestal Oriental fields and was financed via the FFA (Forest Bee Fund) through the CAR in order to meet the demand from the produc- ers in view of the health alert raised. Nosema Apis is a disease (fungus) that attacks hives and that has ben- efited from the climatic conditions in recent times. The main consequence is the loss of production (in spring), not so much the death of bees or the loss of hives that occurs in the winter when the eucalyptus comes out. Following the training provided by Dr Gabriel Sarlo on the etiology, diag- nosis and treatment and prevention of the disease, it was decided that he will lead the Monitoring of Nosema Apis in hives in UPM Forestal Oriental fields in order to diagnose, measure and as-

sess the situation, with a view to estab- lishing a proper diagnosis and plan of action against this widespread health risk with its strong impact on honey production. The first round of monitoring was carried out with the respective conclu- sions and work is continuing in this respect


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