UPM Forestal Oriental - Social and Enviromental Report 2014



and ensuring maximum productivity and efficiency of operations. The environmental requirements derived from legal regulations are also incorporated. If necessary, mitigation and com- pensation measures are applied when accidents occur. These environmental safeguards are reflected in the company’s Work- ing Standards as well as in the Op- erational Best Practices Recommen-

dations and Booklets, which are up- dated on an ongoing basis. There are booklets for working the soil, the ap- plication of agrochemicals and weed control and road construction, among other things. The activities with the greatest risk of environmental impact are carried out following micro-planning that considers the various factors involved in the operation (harvest micro-plan- ning, for example).

Through the Integrated Management System (IMS) and the operating pro- cesses, activities are identified that may have a significant impact on the environment and the risk of these activities is assessed. Based on these evaluations, a series of measures are carried out aimed at safeguarding the key attributes of the environment

DID YOU KNOW? Around 25% of the area is still not directly affected by forest or agricultural activities


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