UPM Forestal Oriental - Social and Enviromental Report 2014


The Environment Management System includes a biodiversity management strategy that includes different stages and activities, including those that allow for the identification and conser- vation of rare, threatened or endange- red species. Due to the geographical distribu- tion of the company’s plots, we have sought to take a different approach to the plot-by-plot analysis approach, including macro-scale (bioregional) and micro-scale (plots) considerations. The methodology followed by UPM Forestal Oriental to achieve the- se objectives can be summarised as follows: Bio-regional scale: Characterisation of the main types of environment based on an analysis of satellite imagery, terrain models, field surveys and identification of the types of environments threatened. This cha- racterisation is incorporated into the Geographic Information System. The same criteria as those used by the Responsible Production

Programme (PPR) of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) were developed and used. Analysis of the regional distribu- tion of the wealth 1 of species (flora and fauna) and its relationship with the bio-regions recognised in Uruguay. Analysis of the distribution and presence of species classed as a priori- ty for conservation by the Protected Areas System (SNAP) and/or included in the IUCN Red Lists. Construction and analysis of biodi- versity indicators, based on the presen- ces of total species, rare species, threa- tened species, etc. recognised in offi- cial lists.

1 Potential presence refers both to species that have been recorded in the area (presence in collections, bibliographic citations), as well as those which, accor- ding to the specialists, may be present depending on environmental offers, biogeographical aspects, etc.


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