UPM Forestal Oriental - Social and Enviromental Report 2014


In mid-2014 UPM Forest Oriental and the NGO Aves Uruguay presented the cooperation agreement for the conservation of biodiversity, which has two main aims: • To consolidate and expand the programme for the conservation and monitoring of chestnut see- deaters (Sporophila cinnamo- mea), a grassland migratory bird classed asthreatened • To determine the composition of the bird life in grassland com- munities in the Quebracho area (Paysandú) • To determine the composition of the bird life in the palm grove restoration area of Butia yatay (near Termas de Guaviyú – Paysandú) • To establish a Bird Watching Club.

Selection of the areas of concentra- tion of species in general and of priori- ty species; in particular to establish special protection areas (in addition to the areas of native forests) and to im- plement specific management plans, including monitoring and follow-up. It is intended that all bio-regions where there is company activity are represen- ted in these areas, as well as seeking to ensure complementarity with the offi- cial conservation areas. Analysis of the distribution of threatened environments present in UPM Forestal Oriental plots: using the classification of types of environment and their categorisation according to the degree of threat, we examine the contribution of the company’s conservation areas to the conservation of biodiversity in the country and the need for new areas of conservation or protection.


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