UPM Forestal Oriental - Social and Enviromental Report 2014

Safe Work

2014 Lost Time Accident Frequency (LTAF)*: At UPM Forestal Oriental: 3.4 At Service Providers: 6.4

It is the company’s firm resolve to minimise all operational risks present in the forest activity carried out.

In order to ensure the welfare of those working on the forest plantations and the inhabitants of the area affected, UPM Forestal Oriental classes safety as a fundamental value and implements a Risk Prevention System, especially de- signed by the company to understand the risks, control the conditions and avoid unsafe acts that may cause acci- dents or occupational diseases. The ongoing programme of selec- ting and training its own employees and those of third parties and the applica- tion of new technologies for more spe-

cialist tasks allows us to obtain results that are proof of a safe and healthy wor- king environment, as well as providing greater efficiency and quality in terms of the results obtained. We are also constantly seeking to develop a series of tools that aim to continually update working procedures, describe the operational risks and the precautions to be taken into account, form security teams by working area and perform internal and external au- dits, among other things.

*Lost time accident per million hours worked

DID YOU KNOW? In 2014, the lost time accident frequency decreased for all UPM Forestal Oriental and contractor operations by 42%.


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