UPM annual report 2015







GRI content index – short version

UPM follows the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) sustainability reporting guidelines (version G4) in its corporate responsibility reporting. The reporting follows the core option of the GRI G4 guidelines. This shortened version of the GRI index shows where the specific G4 indicators are addressed in the annual report and UPM’s internet pages. More information on the general standard disclosures as well as on omissions, further explanation and disclosures on the management approach can be found in the actual GRI content index which is available at www.upm.com/responsibility. AR = Annual Report 2015 GRI index = GRI content index, published as pdf at www.upm.com


GRI content

Location Omission 1) Assurcance 2)

Category: Social - Labor Practices and Decent Work Employment

G4 - LA1

Total number and rate of employee turnover

AR 40, web


Labor/Management Relations

G4 - LA4

Minimum notice period(s) regarding operational changes

AR 39


General Standard Disclosures 1) Aspect

Occupational Health and Safety

Indicators G4 - 1 to 2 G4 - 3 to 16 G4 - 17 to 23 G4 - 24 to 27 G4 - 28 to 33


Assurance 2)

G4 - LA5 G4 - LA6

Workforce represented in formal joint health and safety committees Injuries, occupational diseases, lost days, absentee rate and fatalities

AR 41

x x

AR 40-42


Strategy and Analysis Organizational Profile


Training and Education

AR , GRI index AR, GRI index

G4 - LA9 G4 - LA10 G4 - LA11

Average hours of training per year per employee Programs for skills management and lifelong learning

AR 40


x x x

Identified Material Aspects and Boundaries

G4 – 10 to 11

AR 37, 39

Stakeholder Engagement


Employees receiving performance and career development reviews

AR 37


Report Profile Governance

Diversity and Equal Opportunity

G4 - 34 to 41, 44, 47 to 49

G4 - LA12

Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees

AR 40, 66, web



Ethics and Integrity

G4 - 56

Supplier Assessment for Labor Practices

1) Details are published in the actual GRI content index.

G4 - LA14 G4 - LA15

New suppliers screened using labor practices criteria

AR 54

x x

Significant negative impacts for labor practices in the supply chain

GRI index


Specific standard disclosures Code GRI content

Labor Practices Grievance Mechanisms Number of grievances about labor practices Category: Social - Human rights Investment

Location Omission 1) Assurance 2)

G4 - LA16

AR 46


GRI index


Disclosures on management approach (DMA)

Category: Economic Economic Performance

G4 - HR1 G4 - HR2

Human rights screening or clauses in significant investment agreements Employee training on human rights policies or related procedures

AR 55

x x

G4 - EC1 G4 - EC2 G4 - EC3 G4 - EC4 G4 - EC6 G4 - EC8 G4 - EC9

Direct economic value generated and distributed

AR 47-48

x x x x x x x

AR 9


Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change

AR 15-18, 59-60



Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations

AR 117-120

G4 - HR3

Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

AR 46


Financial assistance received from government

AR 33, 96-97, 108

Market Presence, Economic Impacts, Procurement Practices Proportion of senior management hired from the local community

GRI index

G4 - HR4

Supporting the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in risk areas


AR 39 AR 48 AR 56

Child labor

Significant indirect economic impacts

G4 - HR5

Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk of child labor

GRI index


Proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers

Forced and compulsory labor

Category: Environment Materials Materials used by weight or volume

G4 - HR6

Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk of forced or compulsory labor

GRI index


Indigenous rights

G4 - EN1 G4 - EN2

AR 61-62, web AR 55-56, web

x x

G4 - HR8

Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people

GRI index


Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials

Supplier Human Rights Assessment G4 - HR10 New suppliers screened using human rights criteria G4 - HR11 Significant negative human rights impacts in the supply chain Human Rights Grievance Mechanisms G4 - HR12 Number of grievances about human rights impacts


AR 54

x x

G4 - EN3 G4 - EN5 G4 - EN6

Energy consumption within the organization

AR 55, 59-62, web

x x x

GRI index


Energy intensity

AR 147-148

Reduction of energy consumption

AR 59-60

AR 46



Category: Social - Society Local Communities

G4 - EN8 G4 - EN9

Total water withdrawal by source

AR 61-62

x x

Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water

AR 58, web

Biodiversity G4 - EN11 Location and size of land holdings in biodiversity-rich habitats G4 - EN12 Significant impacts in protected or other biodiversity-rich areas G4 - EN14 Species with extinction risks in areas affected by operations Emissions G4 - EN15 Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) G4 - EN16 Energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) G4 - EN17 Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) G4 - EN18 Greenhouse gas emissions intensity G4 - EN19 Reduction of Greenhouse gas emissions G4 - EN21 NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions Effluents and Waste G4 - EN22 Total water discharge by quality and destination G4 - EN23 Total amount of waste by type and disposal method G4 - EN24 Total number and volume of significant spills Products and Services G4 - EN27 Mitigating environmental impacts of products and services Compliance G4 - EN29 Significant fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance Transport G4 - EN30 Significant environmental impacts of transporting Overall G4 - EN31 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments G4 - EN13 Habitats protected or restored

G4 - SO1 G4 - SO2

Local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs

GRI index GRI index


x x

AR 52-53, web AR 52-53, web AR 52-53, web AR 52-53, web AR 62, 148 AR 148, web AR 148, web

x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Operations with significant negative impacts on local communities


G4 - SO5

Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken

AR 46


Public Policy

G4 - SO6

Political contributions by country and recipient/beneficiary

AR 45


Anti-competitive Behavior

Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes

G4 - SO7

AR 84


AR 148


AR 59-60 AR 59, 62

G4 - SO8

Significant fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations

AR 84


Supplier Assessment for Impacts on Society

AR 58, 62 AR 60, 62

G4 - SO9

New suppliers screened using criteria for impacts on society

AR 54

x x

GRI index

G4 - SO10 Significant negative impacts on society in the supply chain


AR 57

Grievance Mechanisms for Impacts on Society

G4 - SO11 Grievances about impacts on society

AR 46


G4 - EN26 Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the organization

GRI index, web


Category: Social - Product Responsibility Customer Health and Safety

AR 22, 33-34, 36, 51, 57-60

G4 - PR1

Product categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement

AR 49-51, web



Product and Service Labeling, Marketing Communications Type of product information required by procedures

G4 - PR3 G4 - PR5

AR 51 AR 49

x x

AR 57


Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction

AR 51-56, GRI index

G4 - PR6

Sale of banned or disputed products



AR 56, 148, web



AR 57

G4 - PR9

Significant fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations

GRI index


Supplier Environmental Assessment

G4 - EN32

New suppliers screened against environmental criteria

AR 54

x x

G4 - EN33 Significant negative impacts on environment in the supply chain

GRI index


Grievance Mechanisms G4 - EN34 Grievances about environmental impacts

1) See GRI content index for general standard disclosure as well as for omissions and explanations 2) The assurance report by PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy can be found on page 77.


AR 46




UPM Annual Report 2015

UPM Annual Report 2015

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